Cloud Over Greater Israel

By Gerard Sarnat

Rosh Hashana done, summer begins its turn to fall.

There’s a dank chill in old Jerusalem that reifies its character;

nouveaux Tel Aviv‘s LAoid beach sprawl doesn’t take notice.


We navigate a new “shortcut” between the two cities:

Cleansed of deserted rusting tanks, sky high

Separation Barriers create a claustrophobic tunnel effect.


What can’t be appreciated is Arab property to the left and right,

farms and jobs, hospitals and schools, communities

divided — at times just straight-up nuts, at times perilous.


Not only a land of white and black, Israeli license plates

are yellow, Palestinians’ green — though often you can’t observe

because of (dare I say?) apartheid highways.


Checkpoints and business establishments openly admit

those who look Jewish speed through

while “others” are stopped…searched…hassled…provoked.


Race-based policing’s the rule. Muslims aren’t really in the army,

more and more young people want “them” Knesset-ineligible,

tossed from the country.


Do you recall cheering when Separate and Equal

began to become unconstitutional in the United States?

Here Separate and Unequal’s at best the rule.


Gerard (Gerry) Sarnat has been published in over 150 journals and anthologies since 2008. He has received awards inside and outside the US. More information about his publications is available at