Mothers Are Warm Springs Of Supplication

By Aeesha Abdullahi Alhaji 

An immortal spring


Gushes purity

Unborne from love

And serenity


They’re nature

Find peace from their colony

Where holiness is sowed


With lips moist with supplications

Shielding us from minions of evil


Beneath feet that trod thousand miles—are portals to jannah,


With smiles curing lukewarmness

The hearts grow in multitudes

—mothers, fountains of blessings—where mortals quench thirst of wanderlust,


With prayers ferried above

Leaving trails of blessings

They’re days long to remember

Their warm palms

Succour faded linesights.


Bearing hallmarks of prestige

Is written

In fate

As the true apathy of motherhood.


Centuries are witnesses to tales of their resilence

Depicted on the grass of time.

Three times called

Before men

Foretelling events

Of their greatness.


My wishes sail with constellations

For us to reunite in the hereafter

For our bed time stories

To be ignited by our mothers.


Aeesha Abdullahi Alhaji is a poet and essayist, whose works have appeared in Rio Grande Review, The Collective Magazine, The Daily Reality, The Yellow House, Synchronized Chaos journal, and elsewhere. She is a member of the Prestigious Hilltop Creative Art Foundation, Minna Literary.