Food for the Soul

By Ahmed Hussein


Earth’s song greets me, a different melody everyday. 

It’s June now so my body welcomes the chorus.

The trees who have just risen serve me my first meal,

A drink of fresh air no soul has yet drunk.

As I wait for the sun, the clouds, and the sky to dance.

What a gift to pray at such a magical hour.



The most powerful kiss,

Felt by the squint of my eyes and the sweat on my skin.

All of creation filled with beauty by its rays.

I can only kiss back when half of you is gone.

My favorite hour, the dance begins again.

As the highest point of my body meets the Earth once more.



Centuries of light

Prophets, orphans, sinners, kings.

My mother’s mother’s mother’s mother has seen you.

Oh mysterious flower that blooms in the darkness,

Tonight, you fill my soul with joy that is ancient.

As my soul prepares for a temporary death,

I pray I eat again.  


Ahmed Hussein is a writer and poet living in North America, who briefly worked in finance.