By Charles Bane, Jr.
Praise to Allah, and though
He exists without a place,
from the camps of refugees
come prayers He bids us
fear. Numberless are these
displaced and if my mind
were as His, I would rain all
the lights we have named
replenishing the dark
with those too far to know.
Let them fall. Let every cast
off have cooking fire, and
the extravagance will be
returned by a million voices in
the desert behind the morning
Charles Bane, Jr. is the author of The Chapbook (Curbside Splendor), Love Poems (Aldrich Press) , and Three Seasons: Writing Donald Hall ( Collection of Houghton Library, Harvard University). He created and contributes to The Meaning Of Poetry series for The Gutenberg Project, and is a current nominee as Poet Laureate of Florida.