The Inhabitants of Sky
By Tri Ardiyanto
A man wakes to the sound of cricket
The steps he takes against the current
with the intention in the core of his soul
It creeps and spreads deeply
like the root of date palms
The more he hastens his steps,
The more new roots grow stronger
So now the sky become his thoughts
So pure and white as the blank space
Nothing can cloud his eyes to Jannah
The sky unveils the uncounted blessing
If blessing has a thousand different faces,
Then surely no one can put them
in their limited memory
And he was once told about blessing,
“By the sweet breath of Allah
Once you love the inhabitants of sky sincerely.
The door world will be opened widely as what you demand.”
Tri Ardiyanto (Ardi) is originally from Surabaya, Indonesia. He graduated from State University of Surabaya with a Bachelor of Education.