The Sounding Heart
By Siham Karami
The sounding heart begins in awe,
How vast and intimate it saw
The universe an inner ear
To be with God forever near.
But in our chests we creak and yaw
Through lulling waves, and storms that gnaw
Our days on deck, belabored, raw.
We let the ocean numb and shear
The sounding heart
Until the jolt! The lurching jaw—
Your words caught muffled in the craw
Worlds beneath your frail veneer.
Deep in the hold, alone, you hear
The throbbing pulse, Allah…Allah…—
The sounding heart.
Siham Karami co-owns a technology recycling company and lives in Florida. Her poetry appears or will appear in The Comstock Review, Measure, Right Hand Pointing, The Rotary Dial, Atavic Poetry, Unsplendid, Möbius, String Poet, The Centrifugal Eye, Mezzo Cammin, Angle Poetry, Kin Poetry Journal, Wordgathering, Loch Raven Review, Raintown Review, Innisfree Journal, and other journals and anthologies. Winner of a Laureates’ Choice prize in the Maria W. Faust sonnet contest and a Pushcart Prize nominee, she blogs at, where she posts occasional book reviews.